Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Food Wars

Ernesto Hernandez Lopez, Chapman University School of Law, has published LA’s Taco Truck War: How Law Cooks Food Culture Contests as Chapman University Law Research Paper No. 10-29. Here is the abstract.

This paper examines the Los Angeles “Taco Truck War” (2008-9), when the city of Los Angeles and LA county used parking regulations to restrict “loncheros,” i.e. “taco trucks.” It describes the legal doctrine used by courts to invalidate these local restrictions. The California Vehicle code makes local food truck regulations illegal. Decades of court decisions affirm this. The paper sheds light, legal and cultural, on food truck debates, which will surely expand nationwide. It examines: the cultural and business arguments for food truck regulations; food’s role in migrant, community, and national identities; Mexican food’s influence in California culture; and recent trends in food trucks such as Koggi BBQ.
Download the paper from SSRN at the link.